5 Powerful Marketing and Collaboration tools for the Enterprise LMS platform

An Enterprise Learning Management System(LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of e-learning education courses or training programs. Nowadays, many businesses are shifting towards delivering training through learning management system as it encourages collaboration between trainers and learners to drive faster result. Collaboration is an important element of online learning and an LMS makes it easy to collaborate and saves significant time in course creation process. Students or learners always reap immense benefit out of collaborative learning as it helps learners to grab required knowledge in an engaged way.

An Enterprise LMS is not just meant for learning you can increase productivity and collaboration by streamlining project management and organizing training materials and information. Integrating other software's or tools that are compatible with LMS can help increasing collaboration.

Below listed are 5 powerful marketing and collaboration tools that you can consider adding to your LMS. BrainCert Enterprise LMS has created its own HTTP SSO extension to help organizations to integrate LMS with external applications.

Braincert Enterprise LMS integrates with below collaboration tools to level up every step of your training and to engage with your audience.


Integrating Intercom extension for LMS helps to interact with students or learners either by email or livechat and further you can provide support to learners answering their questions. Overall Intercom is an all-in-one solution to communicate with customers and it can be integrated at ease with BrainCert Enterprise LMS. Check out here on Integrating Intercom with BrainCert Enterprise LMS.


Disqus is a comment box for communicating with readers on certain topics to exchange ideas between you and your readers. You can moderate every comment either approve or delete it. This community platform allows readers to comment on the content and it is compatible with most web platforms. Adding this comment platform helps in increasing engagement rate and decrease the spam comments. Moreover, search engine indexation of comments is very high. Also, this platform has the ability to upload images directly in the comment section.

Enabling Disqus extension in LMS helps to add discussions to your course. Check here to enable Disqus forum with BrainCert Enterprise LMS.


Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools and many businesses around the world use it. Using Mailchimp, you can send marketing emails, automated messages and targeted campaigns. It offers enhancing analytical features to effectively get in touch with prospects. You can easily segment your users and send targeted emails. Analytics feature provides insightful statistics about email performance.

With Mailchimp integration in LMS, you can send email campaigns to targeted list of students. Check out here on integrating Mailchimp extension to send newsletters with our BrainCert Enterprise LMS.

Elevio helpdesk

Elevio is a customer education platform that enables customers to create a knowledge base. It offers built-in content management tools designed to help businesses of all sizes. With simplified content creation, Elevio facilitates seamless consumer experience.

Integrating Elevio helpdesk extension in LMS helps bringing all your content, chat all to the one place so that your users will never have to leave your LMS for help. Check out here on integrating Elevio helpdesk extension with BrainCert Enterprise LMS.

Zopim chat

Zendesk (Zopim) chat is a tool to engage customers in real-time. It is an incredible software that offers fundamental requirements of support system. You can engage potential clients in real time and increase your conversion rate. It has a very great interface and much easy to set it up. Check out here on integrating Zopim chat with BrainCert Enterprise LMS.

Improve your team productivity and collaboration using our Learning Management System which can be integrated with several collaboration tools  for seamless communication.

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