Top Digital Products to Sell Through Your LMS

Selling digital products through your LMS is one of the best ways to offer value to your learners, and build a stronger connection with your audience. You don’t have to rely solely on courses as learners love to grab extra materials that help them learn on their own time. As the demand for digital content is growing, offering downloadable resources through your LMS is not just a smart move but also a way to keep your learners engaged and satisfied.

In this blog let’s get into some of the options that can help you grow your online learning platform while keeping your students engaged.

People come to your platform to learn something new, and nothing can beat a well-structured online course. With online courses, we have the opportunity to create a journey for learners, guiding them step by step through a topic.

You don’t have to create everything from scratch. LMS platform like BrainCert offers AI assistance to help you build the outline of the course and curriculum. Build your courses in no time with ease. You can structure your courses in various formats which include video lessons, audio, images, quizzes, interactive modules, and so on.

You can also offer different levels like beginner, intermediate, and advanced—to cater to a broader audience.

eBooks and Downloadable Resources

Not everyone has time to commit to a full online course. That’s where eBooks and downloadable resources come in handy. These digital products are perfect for learners who prefer to study at their own pace or who want to get deeper into a specific topic.

eBooks are easy to create and can be sold as stand-alone products or as part of a course bundle. You can take existing content, like lecture notes or presentations, and turn them into a polished, easy-to-read eBook. Learners can download it and access it whenever they want.

Downloadable resources, like

  • Worksheets
  • Templates or
  • Sample Assessments

also offer quick wins for your learners. If your learners are looking for something that they can use right away, these types of digital products are ideal for them.

But eBooks aren't the only downloadable resources you can sell. Think about

  • Short Notes
  • Checklists and
  • Printables

These are super handy tools that your learners can use right away. For example, a social media calendar template could be a hit if you're teaching digital marketing!

Creating Downloadable Resources That Make an Impact

When creating downloadable resources, keep your learners in mind. You want to design materials that cater to their needs—if they’re looking for an in-depth analysis or just a simple tool to make learning smoother.

Make your resources practical and actionable.

You can also offer some free sample downloadable resources. This builds trust and shows them the kind of quality they can expect before making a purchase. Once they get to know how helpful your resources are, they’ll be more inclined to invest in the paid versions.

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How to Bundle Digital Products for Higher Sales

This is a smart strategy to boost your sales and offer more value to your audience. Think about it: instead of selling individual products, you can package them together at a discounted price. Your learners would love this good deal.

Bundling can be done in various ways.

For example, you could create a

"starter kit" that includes an online course, an eBook, and a set of templates.

Or, you could offer a "masterclass bundle" with multiple advanced courses and exclusive resources.

Bundling also works great during promotions and special days. You could offer limited-time bundles during holidays or on any events to create a sense of urgency and excitement.

When pricing your bundles, make sure to offer a discount compared to purchasing each product individually.

Highlighting the savings learners will get by buying the bundle can be the nudge they need to complete their purchase.

How Selling Digital Products with BrainCert LMS Works

  1. Create & Sell Online Courses:
    Design engaging course outlines with the help of AI, add multimedia content and other documents, and sell them directly through your LMS.
  2. Offer eBooks & Downloadable Resources:
    Provide learners with valuable eBooks, templates, or study guides for purchase alongside your courses.
  3. Bundle Courses & Resources for Higher Sales:
    Increase revenue by bundling courses with digital downloads, offering more value in one package.
  4. Make Use of Gamification Features:
    Motivate learners with badges, leaderboards, and certificates while boosting sales through enhanced engagement.
  5. Automated Payment & Delivery Integration:
    Use BrainCert’s built-in e-commerce tools to manage payments and automatically deliver content to learners.
  6. Customizable Pricing Options:
    Offer tiered pricing, discounts, and flexible payment plans to attract a broader audience.
  7. Provide Easy User Experience:
    With a user-friendly interface, learners can easily browse, purchase, and access digital products on a single platform.
  8. Scale Your Digital Product Offerings:
    If you're selling individual items or creating a learning portal, BrainCert supports scalability for long-term growth.


Selling digital products through your LMS is a win-win for both you and your learners. Specifically, selling digital products like eBooks and downloadable resources in your BrainCert LMS is a fantastic way to diversify your revenue streams. You can cater to different learning preferences, offer more value to your learners, and increase sales—all without putting in much extra effort.

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