Introducing the Virtual Classroom API

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Virtual Classroom API, which lets third-party developers integrate BrainCert Virtual Classroom into their websites for added functionality and new features. Now thousands of BrainCert customers can Schedule Live Classes, Collect Payments, Collaborate using HD audio/video conference, Record Sessions in HD as .MP4 file - all from their own website.

Virtual Classroom API   

As of today, we officially open—to all developers—access to many of the features that power BrainCert’s affordable and powerful Virtual Classroom experience. 

Enter the Virtual Classroom API.

BrainCert Virtual Classroom

BrainCert provides a RESTful interface to the resources in the Virtual Classroom e.g. classes, video recordings, shopping cart, etc. Once your  API key has authenticated a BrainCert user, it can call a REST API endpoint using the obtained access token and get the corresponding resources. A simple example is getting the authenticated user's list of live classes using the API endpoint.

If you are new to REST, you can understand the basics at Please note that the endpoints support JSON (recommended) and XML. The documentation allows you to get responses using JSON or XML where relevant.

Virtual Classroom API supports scheduling and launching live classes, record sessions in HD (MP4 format), HD audio/video conference, desktop sharing, group chat, file sharing, interactive whiteboards, share presentations, sell classes using shopping cart, create discount coupons - all from within your own website.

Fully Managed and Hosted

Virtual Classroom API hosting

BrainCert Virtual Classroom is fully managed and hosted. Do not worry about servers, installations, hosting, set up, etc. You focus on your business while we take care of technology.

Start with a FREE Plan

Virtual Classroom API Plan

The free plan supports 2 connections (1 instructor + 1 attendee) with a maximum duration of 30 minutes per session. To use more attendees in a live session, upgrade your API account. All paid API plans comes with premium features such as unlimited live classes, session recording feature, HD video encoding, etc.,


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